We’re good to go!
We’re delighted to announce that we have been awarded the coveted Visit England ‘Good to Go’ standard. This industry standard and supporting mark proves that we can demonstrate we are adhering to all of the Government and public health guidance. It shows that we have completed a COVID-19 risk assessment and implemented all of the […]

Thank you – This is what you said
And a few small changes to how we’re operating at the gate for Fun Pass Holders Just a bit of an update for all of our regular guests and one that is specific to our Fun pass Holders. 1. Changes to how we operate for Fun pass Holders

How do we create a theme park ride for kids?
We often get asked ‘How do you buy or create a theme park ride at Sundown Adventureland?’ Well, let me tell you first of all it’s the most fun things to do in the world! But it’s not as simple as nipping to the shops and grabbing one of the shelf (Even if we were […]

Happy Monday….back to home schooling ?
Home schooling can be as much of a challenge for parents as well as for the children. So we want to make your life a little easier and more fun. Why not have a look on our website for some extra help or ideas. We have loads of activity packs for foundation, Key stage one […]

Hello Sundowners!
We have missed you all visiting the park and seeing all your happy faces around the park. Hopefully, you all had fun at home with your family and had fun playing in your gardens in all the beautiful sunshine. We have also shared some fun activities to help pass the time on Facebook so if […]

Easter Egg Hunt Competition
As we’re closed for a little while, we thought we’d have some locked down Easter Fun anyway. We’ve hidden six Easter Eggs around the rides on the website and all you have to do is find them and tell us where they are. Enter via Facebook and one lucky winner will receive a VIP family […]

? Just because we’re closed doesn’t mean the Sundown fun has to stop
We know this is going to be a difficult time for everyone, so we thought we’d share some of the fun materials we have produced for our next few events. Please feel free to download them and have some fun together. There are word searches, join-the-dots, colouring and all sorts of simple, fun activities to […]

? The park is now closed until further notice
Today has been one of the most difficult days in our 50 year history. This morning we had to make the hard decision to close the park to safeguard our staff and visitors in light of the social distancing measures set out by the government. We are very sorry to say Sundown Adventureland will close […]

Coronavirus / COVID-19 Precautions and FAQ’s
The safety and security of Sundown Adventureland’s guests and staff are of paramount importance to us as a business. We are continually monitoring the government’s Coronavirus guidelines and will endeavour to adapt our processes if anything changes. We are closely following the latest hygiene recommendations and have a clear procedure in place to ensure we […]

Mother’s Day at Sundown Adventureland
All mums are special and this year we will be giving mums a special treat this Mother’s Day by offering them a spellbinding discount on Sunday 22 March 2020. Join us for a full day of fun with your special little ones. From Mother Goose to the evil stepmother and for one day only, tickets […]