CLOSED ATTRACTION NOTICE: Lollipoppet Castle is closed for refurbishment and will reopen in the summer.

Okie Yolkie Logo

Have you ever ridden an egg? No. Well, hop on board the Okie Yolkie ride for a cracking good ride. We’re not yolking it’s white up there with the best rides we have and kids and parents just love it. Henyone would, it’s just brilliant. There’s no need to be a chicken, let’s hatch a plan to ride it together and stay on the sunny side.

It’s spins you around a bit, so you may get a little scrambled. Go on, take the whisk and last one aboard is a rotten egg. So don’t eggnore me, it’s one of our most eggcellent rides and it’s just waiting for you. And if it’s a really hot Fryday, and you’re absolutely boiled, then don’t worry, there’s a cafe and lovely cooling ice creams right nearby.

Ride Safety Instructions


You will be seated in your own egg shell rotating around on a platform.

You can decide if you wish the shell to spin by holding the centre dish and spin it for yourself, so just be careful who you choose to sit in an egg shell with!

Guests who suffer with motion sickness may find this ride uncomfortable.

Guests can easily view this attraction before deciding if it is suitable for themselves.


  • Children under 90cm must be accompanied by a responsible person 16+
  • Maximum capacity 2 adults and 2 children per egg shell. (No more than 2 adults in any one egg shell)
  • All height checks must be carried out with shoes on.
  • No pushchairs to be taken into the queuing area. Due to fire regulations (wheelchairs and assistance buggies are exempt)
  • Please refrain from eating and drinking whilst on the ride.
  • Riders must remain seated with arms and legs inside the egg shells at all times.
  • Ensure all valuables are secure i.e. hats and glasses, and any loose garments are kept inside the egg shells at all times.
  • Guests must follow ride operators instructions at all times.
  • Please ensure young children are restrained at all times.
  • This ride is monitored by CCTV for the safety of all its passengers.


  • Guests must have upper body control and be able to hold on to hand holds.
  • Not recommended for children under 12 months. (Children must be sat on their own seat)
  • Not suitable for pregnant women.
  • Not suitable for guests with heart conditions.
  • Not suitable for guests with back and spinal conditions.
  • Not suitable for guests whose size does not allow the use of safety devices.
  • Wheelchairs can be taken into ride arena
  • Wheelchair users must be able to get out of their wheelchair to ride and be accompanied by a carer to assist them to board and alight. (4 steps into carriage)
  • Queue assist pass holders may access the ride via the exit.

Ride Loading

These rules are set out by the manufacturer of this attraction and approved by other enforcement agencies to be able to comply with safety regulations