CLOSED ATTRACTION NOTICE: Lollipoppet Castle is closed for refurbishment and will reopen in the summer.


We love a bit of iffy weather

The weather is looking a bit iffy this week but don’t let the rain put you off! If you are wondering what to do with the kids in the rain or drizzle, then we have so much to do in every weather, that a little bit of drizzle won’t stop you! Rides run in the […]

Has Humpty had his eyebrows done?

At Sundown, with 50 years of history behind us, as you can imagine, we get an awful lot of letters from people about their memories of their time with us through the ages. They share the various stages of their lives, growing up as kids, and then returning many years later with their own kids. […]

The 2020 Season is now in play….

Well it was lovely to see that storm Dennis did not put off our guests this weekend. As we saw children jumping along in the muddy puddles and enjoying the outdoor play areas and rides. Don’t be put off by the weather reporters, it’s not very often they get the reports right anyway! All you […]

Are you a budding film producer?

Are you the next Barbara Broccoli, Steven Spielberg or George Lucas? We are looking for budding film producers at Sundown Adventureland. We love it when our customers create their own videos of their day they visit. In fact we love it so much, we want more of them. So today, we’re launching a competition calling […]

Sundown Adventureland is turning 50 in 2018

This year Sundown Adventureland will be celebrating 50 years of being open to the public. Mrs Rhodes the owner was surprised with a memorial bench on her 89th birthday from her daughter and other family members and it was placed outside the gift shop where she still works every day! To celebrate the 50th anniversary […]

The Monkey Mayhem Driving School

We are well on the way with the build of the new Monkey Mayhem Driving School. It’s a huge new area for kids to be able climb aboard their own 4×4 and navigate their way through our brand new jungle-themed track. Around the track, there’s loads to see. From jungle signs and traffic lights to […]