CLOSED ATTRACTION NOTICE: Lollipoppet Castle is closed for refurbishment and will reopen in the summer.


Hello Sundowners!

We have missed you all visiting the park and seeing all your happy faces around the park. Hopefully, you all had fun at home with your family and had fun playing in your gardens in all the beautiful sunshine. We have also shared some fun activities to help pass the time on Facebook so if […]

? The park is now closed until further notice

Today has been one of the most difficult days in our 50 year history. This morning we had to make the hard decision to close the park to safeguard our staff and visitors in light of the social distancing measures set out by the government. We are very sorry to say Sundown Adventureland will close […]

Coronavirus / COVID-19 Precautions and FAQ’s

The safety and security of Sundown Adventureland’s guests and staff are of paramount importance to us as a business. We are continually monitoring the government’s Coronavirus guidelines and will endeavour to adapt our processes if anything changes. We are closely following the latest hygiene recommendations and have a clear procedure in place to ensure we […]